Hello, it’s me! Thanks Adele for the lyrics... Today I passed so far one of the most difficult curve on my photographer's path. I had the final exam in photography curriculum and I can now say with a relief that I will soon be granted with a document stating: "Qualified Photographer", still a lot to learn and looking forward to next challenging curves on the path, but I can not be more happier at the moment. I want to give my sincerest thanks to my husband Kaidor, who encourages and believes in me (at times when I don't), to my coaches and mentors - Stina Kase, Kerli Sosi, Marju Randmer-Nellis, Elina Malleus, Rain Tirul. Also Mait Jüriado, who has always inspired me and who is the author of this photo. And of course You, my dear clients, who you have trusted me and have given me the opportunities to capture important moments in your lives.
Thank you for your trust and kindness!
With ♥ Sirli
